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        埃琳娜·德尔·多恩,将首次亮相耐克Air Zoom UNVRS。这是一个篮球鞋,特点是一个新的FlyEase系统,允许容易进入和退出。这是第一款从头开始就有特色的耐克鞋。这款鞋的设计从一个清晰的设计理念开始,即从残疾运动员身上汲取洞察力和灵感,从而为所有能力的运动员创造更智能、设计更好的鞋。耐克的FlyEase鞋必须满足三个设计标准中的至少两个:1。容易开启和关闭2。进出很容易。可调节,以适应不同的形状和大小。根据她身患残疾的姐姐的洞察力,埃琳娜·多恩在确保这些核心特质能够转化为高性能篮球鞋方面发挥了重要作用。她想表明,职业运动员可以穿它,男性、女性、成年人或残疾人会觉得这种鞋穿起来很舒服。Nike Air ZOOM UNVRS旨在重新定义球员应该如何穿上自己的鞋子。多亏了FlyEase技术,这款鞋的鞋跟被磁化了,可以向下折叠并与中底相连。这一功能允许打开鞋子,使穿脱很容易,不需要手。这款鞋还采用了连接飞线电缆的铰接式表带,可以实现单手、双动作定制和安全适配。耐克想要设计出一种能让每个人受益的技术。

Elena Delle Donne, a 2015 WNBA MVP, will debut new Nike Air Zoom UNVRS. This is a basketball shoe that features a new FlyEase system, allowing for easy entry and exit. This is the first Nike shoe built with special feature from the ground up. The design of this footwear started with a clear design philosophy, that is take insights and inspiration from athletes with disabilities, therefore, create a smarter and better-designed footwear that works for athletes with all abilities.Nike FlyEase shoes must meet a minimum of two out of three design criteria:1. Easy open and close2. Easy to get in and out of3. Adjustability to accommodate different shapes and sizes.based on her sister insight who lives with disabilities, Elena Donne was instrumental in making sure that these core attributes could be transferred into a high-performance basketball shoe. She wants to show that a professional athlete can wear it, male, female, adult, or people with disabilities would find this shoe is comfortable to wear.Nike Air ZOOM UNVRS aims to redefine how players should get into their shoes. Thanks to FlyEase technology, this shoe has a magnetized heel that folds down and connects to the midsole. This function allows for opening the shoe up, making it easy to put on and take off, no hands needed. The shoe is also fortified by an articulated strap that engages Flywire cables to allow for a one-handed, two-motion customized and secure fit. Nike wants to design shoe with technology that offers benefit for everyone. This model will be available in November 2019.

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