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        位于香港大都会区一栋旧楼的一楼,建筑事务所lim+lu为一个日本四口之家装修了一套167平方米的公寓。这座名为格罗夫纳住宅的项目旨在让大自然为其重新设计的室内注入活力,创造一个让居民耳目一新的空间。建筑师们使用中性的色彩、泥土般的纹理、开阔的空间和大量的绿色植物,创造了一个充满活力的环境,模糊了室内和室外的界限 。


      公寓俯瞰一条树线,这激发了人们的兴趣。 lim+lu将所有已存在的小窗户扩大为大型古董风格的钢制开窗。这样,更多的自然光进入了生活空间,充分地照亮了它。黑色的木制百叶窗和精致的黄铜细节突出了优雅而又古雅的夏季住宅的感觉。房间内有木制板条和藤条,这会产生丰富的纹理,同时保持一种符合整体感觉的干净的美学。总之,这些要素同时起作用,确保家庭生活在低调的奢华之中,与自然密切相关。

for the children's room, the idea was to incorporate a sense of privacy in an open space without the isolation of separate spaces to foster a sense of togetherness

       考虑到客户经常在家工作,林+路的目标是形成一个实用的、宁静的空间,让居民们能够思考和集中精力,被自然和绿色所激励,尽管从不被他们分心。 高高的窗户和黄铜的口音是对一项研究的现代诠释,同时也提供了一种鼓励创造力和积极工作心态的氛围。充足的日光、中性色彩和木制元素装饰着房间,和谐地平衡了视觉特征。

for lim + lu, the idea was to create a tranquil space to think and work, with nature and greenery to energize the scenery without obstructing focus

       儿童浴室的设计考虑了一个传统的日本浴室,有一个深浸浴缸和一个单独的淋浴空间。 由于这些类型的浴室是典型的潮湿的房间,一个酸洗花岗岩完成了空间的表面,强调平静,冥想的气氛。在这些浸水室与更新理念紧密相连的情况下,lim+lu希望为居民提供同样的身心放松。

the tall windows and brass accents do away with the modern interpretation of a study and instead provides an atmosphere that encourages creativity and positive work mentality.

       为了创造一个在厨房、餐厅、客厅、书房和阳台之间无缝流动的开放式空间布局,原来的封闭厨房被打开,并与其他房间结合起来。 这个大的开放区域现在作为一个家庭的房间,所有的成员聚集在一起,无论是在餐厅吃饭,还是在沙发边活动。在通过阳台的大门廊欣赏风景的同时,棕榈树和绿色植物构成的景色真的给人们带来了一种完美的夏日度假的感觉。

neutral colours and finishes allow the many pieces of greenery that decorate the space to shine a vibrant healthy green, blurring the line between the outdoors and the interior.

the master bedroom utilizes natural materials such as rattan and wood paired with steel and brass antique style windows to maximize the element of nature

the use of wooden slats and rattan create a richness in texture while keeping a clean aesthetic that adheres to the overall feel.

a soft muted green compliments the overall motif of nature, while still providing a sense of energetic youth and vibrance.

an abundance of daylight, neutral colours and wood adorn the room and balance the visual elements together, just as one needs to do between work and relaxation.

the black wooden blinds and delicate brass details accentuate the feeling of an elegant yet quaint summer home.

the children’s bathroom was designed with the traditio<em></em>nal japanese bathroom in mind, with a deep soaking tub and a separate shower space to be used for relaxation and cleansing

the master bathroom utilizes a moody colour palette and textures

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